<aside> ✨ Page Purpose: To create a single document for communicating the who, what, how, and why of Otto’s culture, so that we can easily align as an organization 💞



What is this culture document?

Our culture document details out who we are, how we operate, and the underlying purpose of why Otto exists as a company.

It details out how we set to achieve our mission and vision through our values, principles, standards, and norms, which also anchor how each team member agrees to relate with one another and our stakeholders.

We believe a workplace can be a more delightful, natural, and human experience - this document is how we align on how we do this and why 🚀.

What is our guiding philosophy?

We believe that building structures, systems, and approaches that are aligned with our principles, values, standards, and norms will create sustained value for all of our stakeholders!

This is how we aim at achieving our purpose, mission, and vision…

Beep Beep - Road Works.svg



The uniting reason why Otto exists and what we will continuously seek to achieve

To reshape mobility & redefine how people work together, so that we create a company worth loving


The things we do that advance our purpose towards our vision

To increase the utilization of the world's vehicles by creating rental experiences people are eager to tell others about.


The aspiration of what we will create!

No matter where or who you are, you can get yourself from here to there

Our Values

The guiding values of Otto are reflected in who we hire, how we promote, and why people leave (or are asked to leave). These are the central traits, characteristics, and beliefs that we, as organization, aim to live by and grow at. For each value, we do our best to have:

For our core values, we also define leadership responsibilities, which serve a basis for outlining what is expected from each of our leadership roles. As mentioned above, we see these values as attributes and behaviors that can be learned, thus (following Seth Godin’s research) we outline human skills (or what Seth Godin calls real skills) for each value in order to help one another grow in these values.

We expect people who join Otto to have some competency for these values/skills, and people’s career progression will be measured in part by how they grow in these values through their time at Otto. Outlined below are our values, if they resonate with you in terms of who you are, who you want to be, and the kind of people you’d like to be around, then you’d probably be a great fit for our team!

Why we have Core Values and Secondary Values …. Core values are a way of creating 3 simple and rememberable words that embody the rest of the values. So if you forget everything else, you at least have these 3 values ground on in times of decision making small and large.



Our Principles

These are the foundational beliefs that we hold to be true!

At Otto we strive for individual accountability & fulfillment, interpersonal compassion, along with collective responsibility and alignment as an organization. In addition to the above values, the following principles help to guide our standards, our norms, as well as the other part of our organizational design and operating structures:


Long Term Goals

What we hop to achieve in the next 3-5 years.


<aside> ☀️ Our performance as a team is a reflection of our ability to depend on one another.


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<aside> 📥 Anytime there is a comment within this document from a team member, we will review and discuss comment at the next all hands. Standards and norms will be revisited at time of series A fundraising OR once we hit Product Market Fit (KPI = Month over Month Cohort Retention Rate 30%).
